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Nov 15

Transcript: Interview with Whistleblower Nikos Logothetis on ELSTAT Scandal

nikoslogothetis1The transcript of Dialogos Radio’s interview with journalist and whistleblower Nikos Logothetis, a former member of the board of the Greek Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) turned whistleblower. This interview aired on our broadcasts for the week of November 8-14, 2017. Find the podcast of this interview here.

MN: Joining us today on Dialogos Radio and the Dialogos Interview Series is Nikos Logothetis, former board member of the Greek Statistical Authority ELSTAT, who will speak with us today about the background and current status of the well-known case regarding the augmentation of Greece’s deficit figures, which provided the impetus to impose austerity politics in Greece. Mr. Logothetis, welcome back to our program.

NL: Thank you Mr. Nevradakis, nice to hear from you.

MN: Let’s begin with a discussion about Andreas Georgiou, the embattled former president of ELSTAT who oversaw the augmentation of the Greek deficit and debt. Describe for us Georgiou’s background prior to taking on the role of president of ELSTAT. Was Georgiou even a statistician? Continue reading