Dec 03

This Week: Interview with Nantia Papadimitriou of the “Atenistas”

atenistasThis week on Dialogos Radio, we return to the airwaves after our Thanksgiving hiatus with a fresh new interview featuring Nantia Papadimitriou, a volunteer with the “Atenistas,” a citizens’ group based in Athens, Greece which organizes projects and gatherings which are aimed at improving the quality of life in Athens and introducing the positive and often unknown aspects of the city to its residents.  In this interview, Nantia Papadimitriou will introduce the Atenistas, discuss the history and development of the group, and talk about the many ways in which it engages with the citizens and residents of Athens, whether it is through organizing walking tours, theatrical performances, the planting of community gardens, or the painting of schools, all on an entirely volunteer basis.

Tune in for this interview plus some great Greek music, only on this week’s broadcast of Dialogos Radio and the Dialogos Interview Series!