Oct 08

This Week: Interview with Prof. Déborah Berman-Santana on the Economic Crisis in Puerto Rico and its Similarities with Greece

deborah1This week on Dialogos Radio, the Dialogos Interview Series will feature an exclusive and timely interview that you will not want to miss, with Déborah Berman-Santana, recently-retired professor of Geography and Ethnic Studies at Mills College in Oakland, California.

Berman-Santana, a native of Puerto Rico, spoke to us about the economic crisis which is impacting Puerto Rico at this time and the many similarities which exist with the crisis in Greece, including the similarities in which the crisis is being responded to on a political level, with the enforcement of harsh austerity measures, privatizations, and foreign technocrats. Furthermore, Berman-Santana will speak about the island’s colonial history and how the current crisis is deeply rooted in this history, how the people of Puerto Rico are responding, her thoughts on the current situation in Greece and her own interest in Greece and the Greek culture, including her current visit to Greece.

In addition to this interview, we will air our commentary of the week segment, plus some great Greek music and much more! Tune in this week, exclusively on Dialogos Radio!