Oct 01

Transcript: Interview with Political Analyst Dimitri Lascaris

dimitri-lascaris-3The transcript of Dialogos Radio’s interview with analyst and journalist Dimitri Lascaris of The Real News Network, who spoke with us about the results of the Greek parliamentary elections of September 20, and his own candidacy in the Canadian parliamentary elections. This interview aired on our broadcasts for the week of September 24-30, 2015. Find the podcast of this interview here.

MN: Joining us today on Dialogos Radio and the Dialogos Interview Series is political analyst and journalist Dimitri Lascaris of The Real News Network. Dimitri analyzes Greek and international politics, and he is also a candidate with the Green Party in the upcoming Canadian parliamentary elections. Dimitri, thank you for joining us today.

DL: My pleasure, Michael.

MN: Getting us started, after a tumultuous political summer in Greece where we saw the SYRIZA-led government turn its back on the referendum result of July 5th, where Greek voters resoundingly rejected austerity, we saw those same Greek voters bring SYRIZA back to power, with barely a decline in its share of the vote compared to January’s elections. Are you surprised by this result?

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