Jun 10

This Week: Dialogos Radio Season Finale, Featuring Interview with Tariq Ali!

tariqali1This week, Dialogos Radio and the Dialogos Interview Series will be wrapping up the 2014-15 broadcast season with an interview with world-renowned author, journalist, and analyst Tariq Ali. A member of the editorial committee of the New Left Review and a contributor to such publications as The Guardian and Counterpunch, and is the author of numerous books, including “The Extreme Centre: A Warning,” “The Obama Syndrome,” and “A Banker for All Seasons.” He joins us on the Dialogos Interview Series this week to share his thoughts and insights as to the political and economic situation in Greece, on Greece’s new SYRIZA-led coalition government and its broken campaign promises, on the role of the European Union and the International Monetary Fund in furthering the economic crisis in Greece, and on his upcoming visits to Greece.

In addition to our interview, hear our commentary of the week segment, where we will analyze the “negotiations” taking place between SYRIZA and the “institutions,” the proposals put forth by SYRIZA which contradict its pre-election rhetoric, and the latest broken promises by the government.

Hear this timely and exclusive interview, our commentary, plus great Greek music and much more, this week our season finale, only on Dialogos Radio!