May 28

This Week: Interview with Nikos Logothetis, Former Vice-President of Greek Statistical Authority

nikoslogothetis3This week on Dialogos Radio, the Dialogos Interview Series will feature an extremely timely interview on a topic most other media outlets refuse to cover: an interview with Nikos Logothetis, the former vice-president of the Greek Statistical Authority (ELSTAT), who will speak to us about the many serious allegations that have been made by him and other whistleblowers from within ELSTAT against the president of the authority, Andreas Georgiou, regarding the alleged falsification and inflation of Greece’s deficit and public debt figures, in order to provide a political and economic impetus for Greece to be put under the supervision of the troika. Mr. Logothetis will speak to us about these accusations and the criminal charges against Georgiou, about how the altered debt and deficit figures led Greece into crisis and the memorandum agreements, and about the status of this case at the present time.

In addition, we will feature our regular commentary of the week segment, regarding the supposed “negotiations” taking place between the Greek government and the so-called “institutions” and the new, austerity-driven proposals that are being made by the government.

Hear all this, plus some great Greek music, this week exclusively on Dialogos Radio!