May 21

Transcript: Interview with Scholar and Author Mark Crispin Miller

markcrispinmiller2The transcript of Dialogos Radio’s interview with scholar and author Mark Crispin Miller of New York University, editor of the “Forbidden Bookshelf” series of e-books, who spoke to us about the global spread of neoliberalism and its impacts on media and publishing, education, democracy, and free and fair elections. This interview aired on our broadcasts for the week of May 14-20, 2015. Find the podcast of this interview here.

MN: Joining us today on Dialogos Radio and the Dialogos Interview Series is Mark Crispin Miller, professor of media, culture, and communication at New York University. Mark is the author of a number of different books, including “Boxed In: The Culture of TV,” “Cruel and Unusual: Bush and Cheney’s New World Order,” and “Fooled Again: The Real Case for Electoral Reform.” He is also the editor of the “Forbidden Bookshelf” series of e-books, and the author of a number of essays and articles. Mark, welcome to our program today.

MCM: Thanks for having me on, Michael. I’m thrilled to be talking to you.

MN: Now to get us started, you’ve written a lot about the media and about issues relating to censorship and freedom of the press. On a global level, how is the media furthering and promoting neoliberal policies and the politics of economic austerity, and how is freedom of the press also being threatened in recent years?

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