Mar 29

Our Latest for Truthout: Interview with Kati Marton, Author of “The Polk Conspiracy”

polkconspiracyCheck out our recent interview, published in Truthout, with journalist and bestselling author Kati Marton, author of “The Polk Conspiracy: Murder and Cover-Up in the Case of CBS News Correspondent George Polk.” In this interview, Marton talks about the book and the difficulties she faced in publishing it (including the book being censored in Greece), and the story of journalist George Polk, who was a correspondent in Greece during the country’s civil war in the late 1940s and who whose murder, which was blamed on left-wing forces, was the subject of a cover-up concealing its true perpetrators, who are said to have had close ties to the U.S.-friendly right-wing government at the time.

Read this interview and more about George Polk’s story here: