May 10

This Week: European Parliament Candidate Katerina Moutsatsou speaks to Dialogos!

moutsatsouThis week on Dialogos Radio, the Dialogos Interview Series will feature an interview with a pre-election flair, as we will be speaking with actress Katerina Moutsatsou, who is a candidate in this month’s European parliamentary elections with Greece’s United Popular Front (EPAM).  In this detailed and informative interview, Moutsatsou will speak about her candidacy and why she decided to officially enter politics, about EPAM’s positions on a number of important political and economic issues facing Greece and Europe, and will comment on the current economic, political, and social situation in Greece.

tsavarisIn addition to this interview, stay tuned for a second, bonus interview (in Greek) with Greek singer and songwriter Nikos Tsavaris, who will talk about his longstanding working relationship with the famous Greek singer Dimitris Mitropanos, his forthcoming collaboration with singer Themis Adamantidis, as well as his many experiences singing around the world for the Greek diaspora.

Hear these two special interviews, plus the past week’s Greek news roundup from The Press Project International, exclusively on this week’s broadcast of Dialogos Radio!