Apr 06

This Week: Interview with Economist Ha-Joon Chang

Ha-Joon_Chang_profileThis week on Dialogos Radio, the Dialogos Interview Series will feature an informative and detailed interview with the renowned economist and professor Ha-Joon Chang of the University of Cambridge. Chang is also the author of a recently-published book titled “23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism.”

In this week’s interview, Chang will analyze the current economic situation in Greece, Europe, and worldwide, and he will also share his insights regarding what he identifies as some of the foremost myths regarding capitalism and the so-called free market.  In addition, he will reference the historical failure of policies of economic austerity, and he will talk about the new economic “bubble” that he sees in the economies of both Europe and the United States.

Tune in for this exclusive and extremely interesting interview, plus some great Greek music, this week only on Dialogos Radio!