Mar 14

Transcript: Interview with Savas Piperidis of “Eco Racer”

ecoracerThe transcript of Dialogos Radio’s interview with professor Savas Piperidis of the Technical University of Crete, who is part of the team which has created the Greek-made electric vehicle “Eco Racer” follows below. This interview aired on February 13-14, 2014. Find the podcast of this interview here.

ΜΝ: Joining us today on Dialogos Radio and the Dialogos Interview Series is Savas Piperidis of the Technical University of Crete. Mr. Piperidis, thank you for joining us today, and to begin, share with us a few words about the vehicle known as the Eco Racer, and how the idea for it first developed.

SP: Thank you for the invitation. This vehicle, the Eco Racer, developed out of our love for automobiles. In 2008, two laboratories here at the Technical University of Crete worked together with the goal of developing a single-seat vehicle which would have very low fuel consumption. That’s how the idea began, and since then this concept has developed, and today, after three different models that we developed, we have created our current model, which is an electric vehicle which runs on hydrogen.

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