Feb 22

This Week on Dialogos: Musical Special Featuring Rembet Asker!

rembetaskerThis week on Dialogos Radio and the Dialogos Interview Series, we will present a special musical dedication and interview featuring the rembetiko music band Rembet Asker.  Rembetiko is a style of music created by Greece’s urban poor in the early 20th century which has been described as “Greek blues.”  In this week’s broadcast, we will feature several songs by the band, plus an interview with Rembet Asker’s lead singer, Christina Bethani, who will talk about the band and its music, their extensive research into the history and origins of rembetiko, the unique musical properties of rembetiko, and the modern-day significance of this music.

Stay tuned for this extra special musical dedication and broadcast, only on this week’s broadcast of Dialogos Radio!