Jan 29

This Week: Interview with Professor Mark Blyth on the Failures of Austerity

markblythThis week on Dialogos Radio, the Dialogos Interview Series will feature an interview with Brown University economics professor Mark Blyth, who is the author of a recently-published book titled “Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea,” which was named one of the best books of 2013 by the Financial Times. In this week’s interview, Mark Blyth will discuss the historical implementation of economic austerity policies and how they have failed, the flawed rationale of the European Union and the International Monetary Fund in enforcing such policies in Europe, the role of the banking industry in the economic decline in Europe, and he will share his analysis on what he believes are the true causes of the economic crisis in Greece and other European countries, plus his proposals for a solution to the economic crisis.

Tune in for this exclusive and enlightening interview, along with some great Greek music, on this week’s English-langauge edition of Dialogos Radio!