Mar 18

Read our Latest Interviews and Analysis for Truthout!

truthoutDialogos Radio’s recent interviews with economist Roger Bootle and with John Hilary, executive director of “War on Want,” have been featured in Truthout! Roger Bootle, in his interview, discusses his award-winning proposal for how a Eurozone member-state could safely manage an exit from the Eurozone, while John Hilary discusses the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and its potential impacts on Europe and the United States.

In addition, Truthout has recently featured our latest analysis, titled “Greece’s Syriza Government: Meet The New Sheriff – Same As The Old Sheriff,” focusing on the new Greek government and its many broken campaign promises and pledges, after less than two months in office.

Find these pieces at the following links:

Roger Bootle interview:

John Hilary interview:

Analysis – Greece’s Syriza Government: Meet The New Sheriff, Same As The Old Sheriff: