This Week: Economist Spiros Lavdiotis on Debt, Austerity, and what Ancient Greece Teaches Us

lavdiotisThis week on Dialogos Radio, the Dialogos Interview Series will feature part one of a two-part interview with economist and author Spiros Lavdiotis. A former analyst for the Central Bank of Canada, Lavdiotis is the author of three books and numerous articles on the Greek economy.

In part one of our interview, Lavdiotis discusses the modern history of austerity as an economic doctrine, what ancient Greece can teach us about how to deal with a debt crisis, and what modern Greece can do today to alleviate its debt burden. This will lead to part two of our interview, on our next English-language broadcast, regarding solutions to Greece’s economic crisis, which according to Lavdiotis, involve a Greek exit from the Eurozone.

Tune in for this highly interesting and detailed interview, this week on Dialogos Radio.


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