Mar 12

Transcript: Interview with Analyst and Former U.S. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Paul Craig Roberts

paulcraigroberts1The transcript of Dialogos Radio’s interview with economist, analyst, author, and former United States undersecretary of the treasury Paul Craig Roberts. This interview aired on our broadcasts for the week of March 3-9, 2016. Find the podcast of this interview here.

MN: Joining us today on Dialogos Radio and the Dialogos Interview Series is economist, author, and columnist Paul Craig Roberts. Dr. Roberts is a former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for the United States, a former editor for the Wall Street Journal, and is a contributor to a number of other publications. He has written over 20 peer-reviewed articles and over a dozen books, with his most recent book titled “The Neoconservative Threat to World Order: Washington’s Perilous War for Hegemony.” Dr. Roberts, thank you for being with us today.

PCR: Pleased to be with you.

MN: Let’s look first at the topic of Greece and everything that has been happening to the country in recent years. You have written that Greece is under foreign occupation. Explain to our listeners why you believe this is the case.

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