Mar 17

This Week: Interview with Antti Pesonen of Finland’s Independence Party

antti1This week on Dialogos Radio, the Dialogos Interview Series will feature a highly interesting and exclusive interview with Antti Pesonen of the Independence Party of Finland. The Independence Party advocates the departure of Finland from the Eurozone and from the European Union and is against Finland joining NATO, and in this week’s interview, Pesonen will discuss the party, its history and its platform, the dire impacts of Eurozone and European Union membership for Finland, the economic crisis that is now impacting the country and the many similarities which exist with Greece, the network of European political parties and movements which are against the European Union and the euro, and about other current issues facing Greece and Europe.

Also this week, we will feature our commentary of the week segment, where we will discuss Zoe Konstantopoulou and her forthcoming political movement. All this, plus some great Greek music, this week only on Dialogos Radio!